Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rolls and More!

With the Fourth of July right around the corner, we want to remind you that all of our delightful breads can be made into equally delightful rolls for your holiday barbecue! Need some ideas? Here are a few!
  • Use our light and fluffy Challah Rolls for sliders

  • Cheddar Garlic Rolls can be used for a fantastic Monster Burger with the works and boy are they great with Italian Sausage

  • Whole Grain Lovers can use Whole Grain Goodness Rolls for a Heart Healthy Turkey or Veggie Burger

Call us right now! Operators are standing by to take your roll orders. And don't forget the PIE or your Red, White and Blue Sprinkled Sugar Cookies!!! We hope to see you soon. Your friends at the Great Harvest in Columbia.