You've probably seen all the reports on how much better it is for the environment and the economy to buy local products. With a shorter distance to travel from the farm (or factory) to the store, there are less emissions released into the environment and often, local products are less expensive then those that come from 100 or more miles away.
We offer several local products for you to choose from at Great Harvest (not including our wonderful bread, baked goods and mixes).
One of our favorite local products is the honey that we sell. We are so pleased to let you know that we have received a new delivery of our friend Karen's local honey. Karen lives in Elkridge and keeps bees right in her backyard and they make some of the best honey you have ever had. We can't definitely say that there is a health benefit to local honey but we do know that Karen's honey tastes GREAT! Karen's honey is fantastic with a little butter on some Honey Whole Wheat Bread.
All the hand crafted pottery is made by artisans who live in the Baltimore-Washington Metro area. And you read here that our coffee from Cafe Pronto is roasted in Annapolis. There's nothing as tasty as a fresh brewed cup of coffee in a beautifully formed, highly colorful mug. Some of us like to take that first sip outside. Try it sometime! You may never drink a cup of coffee inside again.
New Month, Same Menu
Remember, our menu stays the same all summer. We know you have too much to do with all the swim meets. barbecues, trips to the beach etc, to have to worry about a new bread menu. Everything will stay the same until September. If you have a hankering for a bread you miss from the winter, give us a call on Tuesdays. We've been known to let the occasional customer decide on the Baker's Special.
We hope to see you soon. Your friends at the Great Harvest in Columbia.