Our Baker's Special today will help you maintain a radiant glow inside and out. We've taken one of our favorite grain breads; High Five Fiber, and added cranberries and almonds. With all that fiber and the added anti-oxidants, you can't find a healthier, yummier bread anywhere. Remember, Baker's Specials are made in small batches. Don't delay!
One Month!
There is about one month until the Jewish Holidays. No need to panic about where you will find your Round Challah. We will have a plentiful supply of Round Challah with or without raisins. And as you know, Great Harvest has the best Challah around. If you like to plan ahead, we are ready to take your orders today. Stay tuned for more news on the other treats we will have for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Your friends at the Great Harvest in Columbia.