Pool Treats
Looking for a tasty treat for the pool that won't melt away? Our muffins, scones and batter breads are a perfect fit for the pool. Today, we have Jewish Apple Cake and Muffins which have a great fall flavor (it will help scare away the heat!). Other favorites are Lemon Pound Cake and our cholesterol free Chocolate Brownie Bread.
Grain Change
Have you been away this summer? That you may not have noticed that we moved around the grain breads. If you love our Nine Grain, stop by for it on Tuesday. Woodstock is now available on Friday, and Dakota and Ho. Co. Bread are baked on Saturday. High Five Fiber and Whole Grain Goodness will be available as always on Wednesday and Thursday respectively.
We hope to see you soon. Your friends at the Great Harvest in Columbia.