While we don't encourage you to feed your dogs our tasty, fresh bread, we realize dogs are often crafty enough to help themselves. We've compiled quite a lot of stories of dogs who steal bread. Here are a few.
We have many stories of stolen Challah. Joy and Misty, two Golden Retrievers who live in Long Reach, really love Challah, especially Joy who is also partial to peaches. Joy has eaten entire bags of Challah rolls, minus the plastic. Monty and Casey, Jane and Pat's dogs, also love Challah. Beasley and Sam, Carol's Basset Hounds also love Challah, but they are strictly limited to a raw food diet.
It's very frustrating to have a dog who enjoys specialty breads that are only available once a week. Take it from the poor woman whose two dogs ate her Woodstock bread. Woodstock, a whole grain, whole wheat bread with flaxseed, sunflower seeds, walnuts and pecans, is only baked on Tuesdays. When the poor woman came back to replace her bread, she had to settle for something else.
Hadley, a Schnoodle, who is also known as the Black Fur-ball of Doom comes running when he hears the sound of the bread bag opening. He has been known to jump up and steal your Honey Whole Wheat bread as you are putting it into your mouth. Hadley loves a little Naturally Nutty Almond Butter on his bread.
This is Why we Have Dog Treats!
If you can't resist the big eyes and the wagging tail and you really need to get something tasty and fresh for your dogs, we recommend our Dog Treats. They are made with the same whole grain whole wheat that goes into many of our breads, but they don't have many of the other ingredients that may not agree with your pup's delicate constitution. We usually make Dog Treats weekly so you can sure that they are very fresh.
We hope to see you soon, like tomorrow at the Oakland Mills Farmer's Market.
Your friends at the Great Harvest in Columbia.