Visit the Great Harvest, that is! If you live in Columbia, you know that yesterday was a day fit for ducks. It rained very hard in the morning. At lunch time, when it finally cleared up, the people and the birds ventured forth for food.
Chris was the first person to see the bird. He was eating whatever crumbs he could find in the doorway. She shooed him away but he was not to be deterred. Paula saw him next, and also shooed him away, but he was too tempted by the enticing aromas and flew right in the door. Perhaps a little shocked at his own bravado, the bird attempted to make his escape through the front window. Yikes! He lay stunned on the window ledge while Chris, Jane and two customers looked on. The bird, by now identified as a wren, hopped up and flew to the top of the drink case and then back to the window ledge where he hid out behind the soup display.
Jane waited for the two men who were eating lunch to be finished so she could scoop the bird in a box and set him free, but it turned out to be unnecessary. After about 10 minutes, he found the door and flew away. We hope you'll come by soon to see what even the wildlife in Central Maryland can't resist!
Three Days!
Just 3 more days until the 2009 Ride Across Maryland! We really hope you will join us Saturday at 8:30 at the Mall in Columbia for the kickoff. It's going to be a good time, with great food and great people all gathering to help raise money for the fight against breast cancer.
Your Friends at the Great Harvest in Columbia.