After a brief respite and rehabilitation, we are happy to report that our espresso machine is once again working. The poor over-worked baby had some cosmetic adjustments yesterday and is now fully functional. Come on in and enjoy a delicious Latte, Cappuccino or Mocha today. And we thank you for your patience while it was recovering.
Swirl Day
We got very creative with the swirl breads today and have several varieties for you to choose from, including, Peach Blueberry, Cherry and Cherry Blueberry (AKA Red White and Blue Swirl). This Saturday delicacy will be out of the oven by 10:00 am.
Cinnamon Rolls, Too!
Cinnamon Rolls just came out of the oven and the Cinnamon Swirl Bread isn't far behind. This is exactly the incentive your family needs to get all that spring yard work done.
We hope to see you soon!
Your Friends at Great Harvest Columbia